We give a look at what is new in Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2, featured on the Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL from Microsoft. More information can be found here: http://www.windowscentral.com/quick-tour-windows-phone-81-update-2
Rubrika: Windows
Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim – Steam trailer
Announcement trailer for the Steam release of Ys VI.
Full preview: http://www.windowscentral.com/ys-vi-steam-announced
Windows 10, hamburger menus and UI design
Originally posted at https://vid.me/RQsM this video is from someone who „designed the new version of Office for Windows Phone“ as found in a recent Reddit AMA. In it, he explains why Microsoft has chosen to go with a top Nav bar and hamburger menu.
Paul plays Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (Handsome Jack Collection) on Xbox One
Paul plays The Pre-Sequel for the first time on Xbox One.
Follow us on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/eastxtwitch
Full review: http://www.windowscentral.com/borderlands-handsome-collection-review
Rear camera 1080p sample – Microsoft Lumia 640
A 1080p, 30fps sample video from the Microsoft Lumia 640
Lumia 640 – front camera sample
Sample video from the front camera on the Microsoft Lumia 640
6discover: Snapchat’s Discover heads to Windows Phone
Windows Phone users do not have an official Snapchat application, but 6discover, the latest app from Rudy Huyn, offers one of the major features. You won’t be able to able to create, view, or share snaps with friends. You also won’t be able to use 6discover to chat or create Pokračování textu 6discover: Snapchat’s Discover heads to Windows Phone
Review: Oddworld: New n‘ Tasty for Xbox One
Abe leaps out of the 90’s onto Xbox One in this meticulous remake.
Full review: http://www.windowscentral.com/review-oddworld-new-n-tasty-xbox-one
KUKA and Microsoft Collaborate to Create the Next Generation of Robotics
KUKA Robotics a leading manufacturer of industrial robots and solutions for factory automation, has created a self-standing robot that puts various parts together on the assembly line offering a wide range using the Microsoft IoT platform and Windows platform. With Windows Tablets, KUKA staff has anywhere access to monitor the Pokračování textu KUKA and Microsoft Collaborate to Create the Next Generation of Robotics
HP Spectre x360 – Gravity [Spanish]
El HP Spectre x360 es una laptop ajustable y súper elegante que estabas esperando. El HP Spectre x360 es completamente táctil y totalmente flexible gracias a una bisagra de 360° para que puedas trabajar en modo laptop, ver películas en modo stand, crear playlists en modo tent o navegar la Pokračování textu HP Spectre x360 – Gravity [Spanish]